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by Paulo Agelidis 2 min read

Essential Ingredients at Cedar Wisdom 

Angelica –Angelica, also called Wild Celery, is an organized wild medicinal plant in which roots, stems, seeds and fruits are used for making medicines. It is commonly used to treat heartburn, Flatulence in intestinal gas, arthritis, circulation-related disease, respiratory catarrh (runny nose), nervousness, plague, and insomnia. It is also used in the treatment of anorexia to increase appetite. 

Echinacea –Echinacea has been a widespreadherbal remedy for thousands of years. Helping to generally prevent the flu and cold-causing virus, it is used to reduce the symptoms of Pharyngitis, common cold, cough and flu. It also helps to boost the immune system of the body whilst decreasing inflammation. 

Elderberry-Generally, it is used in immunity boostermedicines. It decreases stress and prevents cardiovascular disease. It is recommended to prevent symptoms of cold and flu and helps to reduce inflammation. 

Ginger –Ginger has been recommended for thousands of years to treat nausea and vomiting, and many other ailments. It is also useful for mild stomach upset and cardiovascular disease. It helps to treat migraines, hypertension and is even helpful when undergoing Chemotherapy treatments. It boosts bone health and mitigates obesity. 

Licorice-The roots of licorice contain more than 300 chemical constituents, including flavonoids. It has been in use for its medicinal properties for many years. It cures the disease related to the kidney, lungs and circulation. It also heals ulcers in the stomach and fights infections.

Cinnamon-Cinnamon bark is used as a spice to make food delicious. Besides, it has many pharmacological and medicinal properties. It helps to lower the sugar level in the blood and reduce the risk of heart disease. 

Cardamom-is used to cure digestion-related problems such as spasms, loss of appetite, Flatulence, constipation and complaints in the gallbladder and liver. It also contains some antibacterial properties, so it is used as an antibiotic. 

Blue Vervain –It is a herbal medicine which can be used both internally and externally. Internally, it is used to treat jaundice, fever, headache, coughs and cramps. Externally, it is used to treat acne, ulcers and cuts. It also promotes the production of milk in breastfeeding women.

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